Levequest Generator

The general idea behind the Levequest Generator, is to help people quickly make role-play quests to either - write short stories with, or host open world events in FFXIV.

By making a series of dice rolls between each table: Region/Sub-region, Contractor, Mobs/Mission Type/Gathering options, and then gil reward and difficulty.

Created by: Ry'lah Dinhe - Mateus, Crystal Datacenter

Art and Images are trademarked by Square Enix. Hunter's Handbook, Botanica Eorzea, and Minceria Eorzea are owned by their respective writers.

  • 12/7/2024 - Site created.

  • 12/7/2024 - Fixed Allied Society locations.

Regions and Sub-regions

How to: Roll 1d10 across first to select your over head region, and then roll the 1d10 again for the sub-region. Once you've completed that, you can head to the zone in-game and select where the event takes place!

1d10La NosceaGridaniaThanalanCoerthasGyr AbaniaHingashi/OthardIlsabardThavnairTuralOther
1Limsa LominsaNew GridaniaUl'dahFoundationRhalgr's ReachKuganeGarlemaldRadz-At-HanTuliyollalOld Sharlayan
2Middle La NosceaCentral ShroudWestern ThanalanCoerthas CentralFringesRuby SeaBLANKThavnairUrqopachaLabyrinthos
3Lower La NosceaEast ShroudCentral ThanalanCoerthas WesternPeaksYanxiaBLANKBLANKKozama'ukaMor Dhona
4Eastern La NosceaSouth ShroudEastern ThanalanSea of CloudsLochsAzim SteppeBLANKBLANKYak T'elLakeland (Stand-in-Zone)
5Western La NosceaNorth ShroudSouthern ThanalanAzys Lla(Roll Again)Doman EnclaveBLANKBLANKShaaloaniKholusia (Stand-in-Zone)
6Upper La Noscea(Roll Again)Northern ThanalanIdyllshire(Roll Again)(Roll Again)BLANKBLANKHeritage FoundAmh Araeng (Stand-in-Zone)
7Outer La Noscea(Roll Again)Gold SaucerDravanian Forelands(Roll Again)(Roll Again)BLANKBLANK(Roll Again)Il Mheg (Stand-in-Zone)
8(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)Dravanian Hinterlands(Roll Again)(Roll Again)BLANKBLANK(Roll Again)Rak'tika Greatwood (Stand-in-Zone)
9(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)Churning Mists(Roll Again)(Roll Again)BLANKBLANK(Roll Again)(Roll Again)
10(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)BLANKBLANK(Roll Again)(Roll Again)

Contractors or Targets

1d12Non-Combat Groups
1Leatherworker's Guild
2Goldsmith's Guild
3Carpenter's Guild
4Botanist Guild
5Miner's Guild
6Fisher's Guild
7Culinarian Guild
8Weaver's Guild
9Alchemist's Guild
10Blacksmith's Guild
11Armorer's Guild
12Chocobo Stables

Now you will want to roll for the contractor (or targets - if you're unsavory individuals...) within the region that you had rolled for on the previous sheet. Please note: There are plenty of other organizations that exist, who are not on this list.

1d10La NosceaGridaniaThanalanIshgardGyr AbaniaHingashi/OthardIlsabardThavnairTuralOther
1MaelstromAdder's NestImmortal FlamesHoly KnightsAdventurer's GuildConfederacyIlsabard ContingentAdventurer's GuildDawn HuntSharlayan Forum
2Adventurer's GuildAdventurer's GuildBrass BladesTemple KnightsEorzean AllianceSui-no-SatoGarlean SenatusArkasodaraPelupeluGleaner Guildship
3Arcanist's GuildConjurer's GuildSultanswordClan CenturioAla Mhigo ResistanceReunion TribesGarlean LegionCiviliansTural Travel AgencyLoporrits
4CiviliansCiviliansFree PaladinsIshgardian Orthodox ChurchDarklight RaidersNamazuCiviliansRadiant HostMamool JaAdventurer's Guild
5YellowjacketsTrapper's LeagueRefugeesCiviliansCiviliansShazenkaiAdventurer's GuildRuveydah FibersCiviliansCivilians
6Brugaire ConsortiumWood WailersCiviliansVanu VanuMarmot TribeAdventurer's GuildCeruleum MinersHippo RidersLandsguaardStudents of Baldesion
7Company of HeroesBlack Rabbit TradersDrake TribeVathAnantaKojin of the BlueMagitek AcademyThavnairian TruthMoblinsLente's Tears
8SahaginSylphsAmalj'aaMoogles(Roll Again)SekiseigumiMajestic Imperial Theater Company(Roll Again)Hanu HanuCrystal Braves
9KobolsSeedseersAdventurer's Guild(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)Yok HuyRowena's Splendor
10(Roll Again)IxalOssuary(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)(Roll Again)

Combat Encounters, Mission Types, and Resources

1d20Combat Encounters
14Sky Pirates
20(Roll Again)
1d10Mission Type
1Assassination / Protection
2Bounty Hunting
3Convoy Defense / Raid
4Escort / Kidnap
5Resource Gathering
6Town Defense / Town Raid
7Humanitarian Aid
8Treasure Hunting
9(Roll Again)
10(Roll Again)

More Mission Types will be added eventually.

Gil Payment & Difficulty

15k - 10k30k - 35k60k - 65k85k - 90k1.10m - 1.15m
210k - 15k35k - 40k65k - 70k90k - 95k1.15m - 1.20m
315k - 20k45k - 50k70k - 75k95k - 1m1.20m - 1.25m
420k - 25k50k - 55k75k - 80k1m - 1.05m1.25m - 1.30m
525k - 30k55k - 60k80k - 85k1.05m - 1.10m1.30m - 1.35m

Dungeon Instances

How to: Need something a little bit more tailored to a small party of individuals? Try using the Dungeon Instance roll table. Don't know how to set this up in-game? It's simple! Open up your duty finder, go to the gear setting, and select the option for Exploration Mode. This will allow you and three other players to enter the duty, the instance has an hour timer, so you'll need to pause the scene when it starts running out and then just relaunch.